Meet CSU

A technology company that connects your business to the most innovative financial solutions in the world

More than 31 years of offering innovative solutions

Our history:

1992 – 2005

→ In 1992, Marcos Ribeiro Leite founded CardSystem Ltda., which in 1996 would already become the first Brazilian company to work with the three main international brands simultaneously. → In 1997, with the entry of new investors, CardSystem Ltd. was renamed CSU CardSystem SA → In the early 2000s, CSU began operations in the Loyalty and Customer Experience divisions, in addition to consolidating itself as the largest independent card processor in Latin America. → During this time, CSU Institute was also created, a project aimed at digital inclusion and professional training.

2006 – 2018

→ In 2006, the company became the first company in the area to go public on B3, under the code CARD3. → Always up to date with the market, CSU continued to expand its portfolio, developing and launching new solutions in processing, acquiring, loyalty (OPTe+) and customer experience. → Also in 2010, the CSU unit in Alphaville – the “contact center city” – was launched in Barueri/SP. → With the expansion of the business, in 2019 CSU also became a large payment method processor.


→ In 2019, CSU launches new products such as digital card, virtual card, digital wallets, wearables and NFC. → Some time later, CSU also invested in new fronts, incorporating Banking as a Service solutions into the catalog. → Always attentive to market movements, the company followed the digital transformation and in 2022, changed its name to CSU Digital. → At this time, there was also a rebrand of the brand, with a new logo and new positioning, but preserving the credibility and experience as always.

CSU works to generate excellent results

All our efforts to offer technologies that generate results have made us a leader in state-of-the-art solutions for Means of Payment, Customer Experience and customer loyalty in the Brazilian market.

Throughout our history, we have created a unique and innovative operating model with resources that integrate and connect banks, finance companies, retailers, service companies and consumers across the country, allowing, in addition the flexibility of service customization, continuous access to new markets and pioneering the launch of products and solutions.

Currently, there are about 6 thousand employees working in our offices in São Paulo, Recife and Belo Horizonte, who work so that we can fulfill our mission.


To develop complete, effective and creative solutions, through products and services that provide quality service and generate excellent results, building customer loyalty.


To be a leader in the markets in which we operate, offering complete solutions to our customers and earning the respect, admiration and trust of our public.


​​Pioneering and Innovation





Digital banks already know more about low income than big banks, assesses CSU Digital (CSUD3)

Fintechs have learned to give credit to newly banked audiences, through partnerships and the use of artificial intelligence, says executive

Brazil at the forefront of technological maturity makes financial services advance with AI

One of the most regulated financial systems in the world is also the most innovative

With record profits and diversification, CSU plans expansion with an eye on the international market

The use of artificial intelligence in payment methods is a bet for growth in a recently launched business front.